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Help founders in improving their pitch decks to secure funding - Upwork

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هل أنتم مستعدون للتعرف على أحدث الفرص في عالم التصميم الجرافيكي؟ موقع وظائف مصر والخارج يقدم لكم مجموعة جديدة من المشاريع والعروض المميزة التي قد تكون المفتاح لخطوتكم التالية

🔄 Project Status:نشط
📅 Publication Date:2024-08-01T18:38:13+00:00
💰 Budget:$40
⏳ Execution Time:غير محدد
📊 Average Offers:غير محدد
📈 Offers Count:غير محدد

We are seeking a dedicated and skilled Pitch Deck Support and Training Specialist to join our team. In this role, you will work closely with our clients to enhance their

pitch decks and increase their chances of raising capital. Your responsibilities will include: -Creating a List of Vital Questions: Develop a comprehensive list of critical questions for our closers to

ensure that every client we sign has a strong chance of successfully securing investment. -Onboarding and Training: Assist in the onboarding process alongside our closers. Subsequently, conduct six 1-hour training

sessions per client to refine their pitch deck and improve their capital-raising prospects. -Feedback and Coordination: Provide a list of the client's strengths to the team responsible for helping clients

raise funds. Compensation: Approximately $40 per hour, but to keep things motivating and straightforward, we offer $300 per client trained which is more than $40/h. Requirements: -Proven experience in pitch

deck preparation and training. -Strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively with clients. -Ability to develop actionable insights and recommendations for improving pitch decks. If you are interested

and have experience in the raising process apply now ;)Hourly Range: $30.00-$50.00 Posted On: August 01, 2024 18:38 UTCCategory: Business & Proposal WritingSkills:Business Plan, Marketing Strategy, Fundraising, Startup Consulting, Presentations,

Venture Capital Consulting, Market Research, Business Writing, Pitchbook Skills: Business Plan, Marketing Strategy, Fundraising, Startup Consulting, Presentations, Venture Capital Consulting, Market Research, Business Writing, Pitchbook Country: Spain click to apply

نتمنى أن تكونوا قد استمتعتم بمراجعة أحدث الفرص في التصميم الجرافيكي. لا تنسوا متابعة موقع وظائف مصر والخارج للحصول على المزيد من العروض والمشاريع المثيرة
